
Tuesday 22 November 2016

Term 4 goals!

So far I have completed 2 of my 5 goals. I completed my Social goal, Catholic Character goal and my Cultural goal. I helped my friends out when they needed a hand for my social goal. As well as that I learnt more about how Maori people see the forest for my cultural goal. Finally for my Catholic Character goal I  did a new activity for prayers were we passed around a rock and asked God to bless the net person with a gift/fruit. I still have to complete my Academic and Physical goal. For my Academic goal I must get 100% in my basic facts twice in a row. So far I got 100% last week so hopefully I get 100% this week. For my Physical I haven't been able to get a 10 or 9 at tennis because it's either rained, my coach has been sick or an earthquake has occurred.
So hopefully I will be able to finish all my tasks by the end of the year.


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