
Sunday 11 September 2016

Space Inquiry Project!

So far I have completed two Space Inquiry Tasks. The ones I completed are a space themed piece of art and a paragraph about an ISS (International Space Station) youtube video. I enjoyed watching the ISS videos because it was cool seeing everything floating around. I also liked learning how different thing work in space. Something I learnt was that they can't take bread into space. The reason why is because all the crumbs would fly all over the station which would make it dirty. Instead they use tortillas that are sealed in air-tight packaging. Something I gained from the videos was that eating in space isn't very different to eating on earth. Take a sandwich for example the only thing they changed was the bread for a tortilla. The normal spreads like honey and peanut butter come in their normal packaging. Only a few things need to be adapted. Most things have to be stored in air-tight bags. These bags can keep food fresh for up to eighteen months. Overall I found all of the videos very interesting and cool

- Katiemeister:)

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