
Tuesday 25 October 2016


Last week we performed our production also known as 'Robin hood and the sherwood hoodies'. My role in the production was ... Mics! What I had to do was give people their mics before they went on stage. It sounds pretty easy but it as quite stressful as I did three handhelds by myself. I had to run all over the place from one side of the stage to the other. Luckily everything went smoothly and nothing went wrong. Even though my job as super stressful it was so much fun watching the show and dancing backstage with Maeghan, Emily-kei and Maricar. My favourite part was probably running from each side of the stage. First of all it was funny because even if i wasn't in a hurry everyone would move out the way. I also liked running from each side as it helped cool me down as it was soooooo hot backstage. The funniest part was probably watching Maricar dance and sing along to the dances onstage. If I did it again I probably wouldn't do anything differently as it was super fun. Overall I had loads of fun at the production and would love to do it again.

- Katiemeister:)

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