
Tuesday 1 November 2016

Awesome books!

One of my favourite books when I was younger was Jemima Puddleduck. I quite liked this book because I liked the illustrations but I also liked the story about Jemima. One of my favourite authors at the moment is Amy Alward. I especially like the book she wrote called the Potion Diaries because it was really exciting and adventurous. One book I read this year was called Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. The book is about a girl called Madeline and how she is allergic to everything and is unable to leave her home. She lives with her mum and nurse and reads all the time. Recently new people moved into the house next to her. They start to get to know each other through emails and texting. Over the story of the book their are many different twists and turns. I would really recommend it to young adults as their are some older parts in it.

- Katiemeister:)

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