
Tuesday 29 November 2016

Plant Facts!

So far in topic we have been learning about plants. Here are a few facts I learnt...

  • Some plants use the wind to disperse their seeds which can be carried for many miles.
  • Animal-pollinated plants are usually bright and showy with many different colours.
  • Plants take in the carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere around it and turn it into oxygen for us to breathe.
  • Leaves can come in many different shapes and sizes as well as have smooth or toothed edges.

P.S I will have a photo of our plants we grew soon:)

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Term 4 goals!

So far I have completed 2 of my 5 goals. I completed my Social goal, Catholic Character goal and my Cultural goal. I helped my friends out when they needed a hand for my social goal. As well as that I learnt more about how Maori people see the forest for my cultural goal. Finally for my Catholic Character goal I  did a new activity for prayers were we passed around a rock and asked God to bless the net person with a gift/fruit. I still have to complete my Academic and Physical goal. For my Academic goal I must get 100% in my basic facts twice in a row. So far I got 100% last week so hopefully I get 100% this week. For my Physical I haven't been able to get a 10 or 9 at tennis because it's either rained, my coach has been sick or an earthquake has occurred.
So hopefully I will be able to finish all my tasks by the end of the year.


Monday 14 November 2016


For the speech competition I wrote about why Britain's got talent should be your favourite TV show. So far I have written my whole speech and put it on cue cards with a ton of different pictures. In my speech I talk about the history of BGT and some previous winners as well as how the show works. Although I don't know my whole speech off by heart I do know most of it. I think I need to work on slowing down a bit and not stuttering as much. Overall I think my speech is really good and I hope to do well in the competition. 
- Katiemeister:)

Sunday 6 November 2016

Book week!

Last week was book week and during this week we did many fun and different activities. My favourite activity was book character day. Regina, Maeghan, Francesca, Isabella, Caoimhe, India, Abia, Maricar and I dressed up as the crayons from the day the crayons quit. I was yellow crayon and we all made cone hats and signs to make us look more crayon-like.

Another activity I enjoyed was the visiting author's speech. The author that came into school was Fifi Colston. She talked to us about her school work and some pictures she used to draw in her books. She also talked to us about the book she wrote 'The red poppy'. She showed us all the pictures she drew and how she made them. Another thing she did was tell us about her new book about a tortoise and a soldier and how she survived the war and came home and lived a happy life.

Overall book week was really fun and I enjoyed all of the different fun activities we did!


Tuesday 1 November 2016

Awesome books!

One of my favourite books when I was younger was Jemima Puddleduck. I quite liked this book because I liked the illustrations but I also liked the story about Jemima. One of my favourite authors at the moment is Amy Alward. I especially like the book she wrote called the Potion Diaries because it was really exciting and adventurous. One book I read this year was called Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. The book is about a girl called Madeline and how she is allergic to everything and is unable to leave her home. She lives with her mum and nurse and reads all the time. Recently new people moved into the house next to her. They start to get to know each other through emails and texting. Over the story of the book their are many different twists and turns. I would really recommend it to young adults as their are some older parts in it.

- Katiemeister:)

Tuesday 25 October 2016


Last week we performed our production also known as 'Robin hood and the sherwood hoodies'. My role in the production was ... Mics! What I had to do was give people their mics before they went on stage. It sounds pretty easy but it as quite stressful as I did three handhelds by myself. I had to run all over the place from one side of the stage to the other. Luckily everything went smoothly and nothing went wrong. Even though my job as super stressful it was so much fun watching the show and dancing backstage with Maeghan, Emily-kei and Maricar. My favourite part was probably running from each side of the stage. First of all it was funny because even if i wasn't in a hurry everyone would move out the way. I also liked running from each side as it helped cool me down as it was soooooo hot backstage. The funniest part was probably watching Maricar dance and sing along to the dances onstage. If I did it again I probably wouldn't do anything differently as it was super fun. Overall I had loads of fun at the production and would love to do it again.

- Katiemeister:)

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Famous Quote!

'I have a dream' is a famous quote by Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King said this in his famous speech 'I have a dream'. Martin Luther King said this speech on the 28th of August 1963.  He spoke about how he wished that one day his four children would not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. He also talked about how one day the nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of freedom. As well as that he said 'One day the state of Mississippi thats sweltering with the heat of injustice will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice'. He also said 'Down in Alabama with its vicious racists, one day right that in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers'. The meaning of his speech is about how one day he hopes that everyone will be treated equally and fairly and that it doesn't matter if you look different to one another.

- Katiemeister:)